Tuesday 12 August 2008

The most incredible picture I have ever taken in one of the most incredible buildings in the world - Rome's Pantheon.
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Sunday 20 January 2008

Brain Teaser

Here's a problem I got at interview a coule of days back:

You have two ropes and a lighter.
The ropes each take one hour to burn from end to end.
They burn unevenly i.e. half may take 5 minutes, the other half 55 minutes.
Both ropes burn differently i.e. they are not identically uneven.

How would you use those three pieces of kit and tell me the beggining and end of a 15 minute period?

Thursday 17 January 2008

Pardon me for asking...

But have all these users really gone out and bought scrabble sets on the stregnth of Scrabulous? If you got no idea what I'm chatting about, I point you here. On the issue at large, while I understand Mattel and Hasbro's POV, it smacks of petulence.

However, what about a cynical view of the whole affair? Have they placed this Cease & Desist to get the Scrabulous App into the news (which has happened). Now will they decide to back down and form an amicable agreement with the Ahluwalia brothers? The whole episode both increasing the visibility of Scrabulous and by extension, Scrabble while in turn the Toymakers Rep is enhanced due to the view that they "listen" to their customers? Watch this space...

And while you're watching, add the App and get ready for a beat down! And the tune I'm listening to while I beat your butt to next sunday? The Knife's cover of Heartbeats.

Tuesday 15 January 2008

The Logic

While on a coach to nowhere, my iPod shuffled out a tune. As soon as that opening piano break started playing, I felt a profound feeling of inspiration because it captured my mood so precisely. And then my thoughts drifted to how do I share what I am feeling right now with the world?

A hop, skip and jump later, here I am. The goal of my blog is to share with the world the things that evoke something within me. It can be positive, negative, indifferent. It might be through music, movies, politics, sport, conversations, experiences... The only motif I am sticking to is that whatever I write, matters to me.

And therein lies the power of a Blog. There is something undeniably satisfying of putting your thoughts down for the world to see. I am not delusional, I don't expect hundreds of hits a day. But the fact is that it is out there, accesible by anyone with a computer...

The name stems from me being indulgent and making a new word. Essentially, I would like this blog to send Out things that Profoundly Inspire. I'm not getting all Emo, I just have an urge to share.

And what better way to sign off my first post than a link to the song that started it all...

Sufjan Stevens - Concerning the UFO Sighting near Highland, IL from Illinoise

And it begins...